The month of January has been a bit of a struggle for me with regard to my weight loss goals. I have lost 7 lbs, and while it is easy to say that that is a healthy weight loss pace, it still just feels like very little progress. Without making any excuses, I have had a couple of obstacles...two weeks of being sick or nursing someone else back to health...and this rainy weather here in So Cal making it more of a challenge to get outside and exercise.
However, I finally checked out a blog of a dear friend of mine, Danielle Copeland Bethke. She, too, set out on a weight loss challenge, and her results are nothing short of amazing! Her blog is so wonderful, detailed, personal, and INSPIRATIONAL. What I really loved were seeing her photos of a 5K that she ran, and how incredibly happy she looks in those pics.
Well...I if I could get ready for a 5K, and join her on one! I found several links for a "Couch to 5K" training program. I have always been very active, used to really love jogging in fact, so I really thought that this might be the true kind of inspiration that I need to get on track and stay on track. I think that I need to focus more on my overall fitness, less on that hardcore weight goal.
I found one website that had a couple of variations of the Couch to 5K, and I selected the most conservative program. I know that I can blow the first few months out of the water, the first week is only walking a total of 50 minutes! I will probably have 50 minutes in by Tuesday. However, it is all about baby steps, and I know that if I follow this program, I will be ready for a 5K in 7 months (if not sooner). In fact, here is my exact schedule for month one, starting today:
Phase I Warm up phase Month 1 All Walking (Times in minutes per day)
1 Off 10 Off 15 Off 10 15 50
2 Off 10 Off 15 Off 20 15 60
3 Off 15 Off 20 Off 15 20 70
4 Off 20 20 Off 20 Off 20 80
Grand total: 260
So I will be tracking my progress with this goal in mind, and I hope to hear from those of you for whom this was a successful way to achieve your fitness goals, or if you would like to join me in my fitness journey! And I cannot wait to run a 5K with Danielle, too!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Starve a cold, feed a fever? Feed a cold, starve a fever?

Been feeling pretty lousy for a week or so, and it has not helped that my kids have been sick too! It is one thing to have to take care of your own flu bug, but cleaning up and nursing two kids back to health has kicked my bug back into action!
I have still been losing weight, I am happy to say. I was not sure if I should be feeding my fever or starving it (!) so I would say that I tried both methods, and still lost another 5 pounds!
One lifesaver has been taking Herbalife products. I have to say that the H3O helped ALL of us stay hydrated, and it is much better than some of the other electrolite drink products from the store. LiftOff provide that "boost" to get me off of the couch and get productive. Let's face it, the laundry does not stop, dirty dishes don't magically still runs the house even when a flu is running her!
And, finally, a miracle product that I truly think has helped reduce my overall symptoms...and kicked the bug the first time around (before I got so run down caring for everyone else!) is....Best Defense!

So, if you are under the weather, suffering from a cold or the flu, there are great Herbalife products that can help to mitigate your symptoms, help you stay hydrated, and can help bring you some much needed energy! Go to LifeChange2008 for more information, or drop me a line at!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
$aving Money=Saving Calories!
I am slowly coming around from my Diet Coke Cold Turkey withdrawal...and "slowly" is being generous! I could barely move for a good chunk of the day yesterday (compounded by a flu bug, nice double whammy!) so I got close to nothing done yesterday with my jewelry biz. However, I figured I could do one thing to help me out of my much MONEY would I save if I no longer drank Diet Coke???

Trying to find the silver lining in this dark withdrawal cloud, I put pen to paper.
Check out this math:
My last 12 pack of Coke cost $2.50
Plus Ca. Redemption Value** $ .60
Total Cost of 12 pack of Diet Coke $3.10
(**I am not factoring out the CRV as I do recycle, but do not recycle to recoup that amount**)
I figured, on an average day, I would drink a minimum of 6 Diet Cokes. I will fully admit to the fact that there were days where I came close to killing that 12 pack! But, I will say that I drank an average of 6/day:
Total Cost of 12 Pack $3.10
Divided by 12 in Pack 12
Total Cost per Diet Coke $ .25
Total Cost per Diet Coke $ .25
Times 6 Diet Cokes per Day 6
Total Daily Diet Coke Consumption Amount $1.50
Times 365 Days per Year 365
Total Cost of Yearly Diet Coke Comsumption $547.50
WOW! That is an amazing figure...and truly...on the low side. This is not taking into account the Diet Cokes I had in restaurants, from fast food joints, etc.
That could be a new Coach bag for me! Now, kickin that Diet Coke addiction feels mighty awesome! Or, I could set that money aside for an upcoming vacation...or to buy new skinny clothes! I will be so proud that I did this, mostly for my wellness, but also for my pocketbook!
What is your expensive vice...and what would you save if you kicked that habit???

Trying to find the silver lining in this dark withdrawal cloud, I put pen to paper.
Check out this math:
My last 12 pack of Coke cost $2.50
Plus Ca. Redemption Value** $ .60
Total Cost of 12 pack of Diet Coke $3.10
(**I am not factoring out the CRV as I do recycle, but do not recycle to recoup that amount**)
I figured, on an average day, I would drink a minimum of 6 Diet Cokes. I will fully admit to the fact that there were days where I came close to killing that 12 pack! But, I will say that I drank an average of 6/day:
Total Cost of 12 Pack $3.10
Divided by 12 in Pack 12
Total Cost per Diet Coke $ .25
Total Cost per Diet Coke $ .25
Times 6 Diet Cokes per Day 6
Total Daily Diet Coke Consumption Amount $1.50
Times 365 Days per Year 365
Total Cost of Yearly Diet Coke Comsumption $547.50
WOW! That is an amazing figure...and truly...on the low side. This is not taking into account the Diet Cokes I had in restaurants, from fast food joints, etc.
That could be a new Coach bag for me! Now, kickin that Diet Coke addiction feels mighty awesome! Or, I could set that money aside for an upcoming vacation...or to buy new skinny clothes! I will be so proud that I did this, mostly for my wellness, but also for my pocketbook!
What is your expensive vice...and what would you save if you kicked that habit???
Diet Coke,
k a mace jewelry,
kelly alvarez mace,
Monday, January 14, 2008
Arg...I am super grouchy today. I think that it had to do with quittin' Diet Coke COLD TURKEY. I have been drinking Diet Cokes, I suppose. Diet Coke is what I wake up with, even BEFORE my cup or two of coffee! And, a Diet Coke or two while I work and create jewelry (such an inspiration!), one maybe with while the kids do homework...and at least one more with dinner. For years...

And, I love all of the Diet Cokes, even before they had the citrus versions, I would squeeze Lime or Lemon in them. Cherry Diet Coke...yummy. And, Diet Dr. Pepper is a another favorite. Did the Pepsi Challenge, always preferred Coke. For all of those Coke or Diet Coke haters out there, I went toe to toe with you to proclaim the wonderfulness of Coke products!
Those days are over. I need to do this to focus on my weight loss plan, and to truly focus on my health and wellness. Yes, I get the whole moderation thing, and I could just have like one a day, or two as a special treat. But, I clearly cannot get the moderation message when it comes to my addiction to Diet Coke.
I will miss that bubbly delight...I will miss the caffeine comfort...I just have to stay strong, be a grouch for a day or two (I apologize now to friends and family!) and with this willpower I will have made an important long term impact on my health.

And, I love all of the Diet Cokes, even before they had the citrus versions, I would squeeze Lime or Lemon in them. Cherry Diet Coke...yummy. And, Diet Dr. Pepper is a another favorite. Did the Pepsi Challenge, always preferred Coke. For all of those Coke or Diet Coke haters out there, I went toe to toe with you to proclaim the wonderfulness of Coke products!
Those days are over. I need to do this to focus on my weight loss plan, and to truly focus on my health and wellness. Yes, I get the whole moderation thing, and I could just have like one a day, or two as a special treat. But, I clearly cannot get the moderation message when it comes to my addiction to Diet Coke.
I will miss that bubbly delight...I will miss the caffeine comfort...I just have to stay strong, be a grouch for a day or two (I apologize now to friends and family!) and with this willpower I will have made an important long term impact on my health.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Walking Must Haves!
I love to take long walks, and I have some killer hills by my home that are truly butt-bustin'! I have a few "must haves" that I always have on my walks, to keep me motivated and to intensify the workout!

My Touch it! I have had Ipods since they were first released, as I am a total music lover! This one, however, is just my favorite! I love to listen to music while I am walking, to help me set my pace and to keep me going when the hills get steep! Plus, I get to load and share pictures (including pictures of my jewelry to show potential customers or boutiques!), I can use the wi-fi internet functions and watch videos/movies when I am not walking!

Herbalife me the lift that I need when the walking gets tough! Check this out: no sugar, no calories, and only 1 carb! Lemon-Lime is my favorite, and it is sooooo refreshing in icy, cold water. Staying hydrated is important, and LiftOff makes it much easier! Want a free sample? Email me at or go to Lifechange2008 for more info!

Herbalife H3O...another great way to stay hydrated, especially when I get burnt out on drinking plain water! Great benefits, too: Quenches thirst and replaces lost fluids. Essential electrolytes support cellular re-hydration. Energizing carbs for immediate and sustained energy. Powerful antioxidants protect your body from fatigue and soreness. No caffeine and a healthier alternative to high-calorie/high-sugar beverages. Would you like to try a free sample? Email me at or go to Lifechange2008 for more info!
What are some of your walking or work out essentials??? Would love to hear your favorites, and what works for you!

My Touch it! I have had Ipods since they were first released, as I am a total music lover! This one, however, is just my favorite! I love to listen to music while I am walking, to help me set my pace and to keep me going when the hills get steep! Plus, I get to load and share pictures (including pictures of my jewelry to show potential customers or boutiques!), I can use the wi-fi internet functions and watch videos/movies when I am not walking!

Herbalife me the lift that I need when the walking gets tough! Check this out: no sugar, no calories, and only 1 carb! Lemon-Lime is my favorite, and it is sooooo refreshing in icy, cold water. Staying hydrated is important, and LiftOff makes it much easier! Want a free sample? Email me at or go to Lifechange2008 for more info!

Herbalife H3O...another great way to stay hydrated, especially when I get burnt out on drinking plain water! Great benefits, too: Quenches thirst and replaces lost fluids. Essential electrolytes support cellular re-hydration. Energizing carbs for immediate and sustained energy. Powerful antioxidants protect your body from fatigue and soreness. No caffeine and a healthier alternative to high-calorie/high-sugar beverages. Would you like to try a free sample? Email me at or go to Lifechange2008 for more info!
What are some of your walking or work out essentials??? Would love to hear your favorites, and what works for you!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Have you hugged your colon today?

Have you hugged your colon today? I have! And, I encourage you to do the same!
How? I started the Herbalife 21 Day Herbal Cleansing Program a few days ago, and I have lost weight, I have gained energy and I hugged my colon!
This is a natural way to restore and maintain balance in your colon. It supplies prebiotics, probiotics, herbs, botanical enzymes and other nutritional factors to promote a natural self-cleansing. All I can tell you is that you will feel a change in a few days, without the wacky detox dieting (I could not stand the liquid concoctions I was expected to swallow!) or a colonic procedure, which in the wrong hands can be downright dangerous!
It is so easy...two AM tablets with water, two PM tablets with water. That is it...and, I have been drinking more water throughout the day, as well. How easy is that???!!!
With a flatter tummy and improved energy alone, I am a pleased customer! With the long-term benefits of improved absorption of my nutrients I am confident that my weight loss plan will be aided by this 21 day investment! Come and join me in a 21 Day journey to improved wellness...and hug your colon today! Email me at with any questions, or go to Lifechange2008 for more info or to order today!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Yummmm....Cafe Latte....

Nope! I did not cheat this morning and enjoy a calorie-laden latte know where! I enjoyed my very own Herbalife Cafe Latte shake, and it truly rivals the blended concoctions that I can no longer afford--health-wise or wallet-wise!

For lunch I had a salad with tuna fish. The salad is the Asian Supreme salad mix from Fresh Express. I absolutely love to eat salad, but seldom have the time to create the salad, the shopping, the cutting, etc. So, this way I can have my salad and eat it too!
I also really love the new lines of "spray on" type salad dressings. What a great way to get a taste of dressing, without the calories and fat from pouring it on your salad! I try really hard to get dressings on the side when I am eating out, and these spray salad dressings really help to control the portion size and give you plenty of really great enjoyment!
Good luck, and please share with me your tips to weight loss success!
Monday, January 7, 2008
A Happy Week!
I know, I know...I need to get a new picture posted, but I have been madly working on my jewelry business this morning.
I am very, very excited, and feel that this is such a huge victory for me. However, I have to seriously remain on track and focused. I have done this before, only to lose that sense of urgency. Even last night...I cheated...I had my only weakness in the world...CHIPS AND QUESO...and salsa, I tried to at least be a little bit good with the salsa???!!!
Share with me your victories, or even your frustrations. It is not easy, and there are so many of us out there in this together. I really do believe that Herbalife has been at the center of this successful week, and I am going today to pick up more of my not-so "secret weapon". Drop me a line if you are interested in more information, or you would even like some free samples to try for yourself. is my email...No investment is needed, just an investment in your time and commitment to your health and wellness! Go to LifeChange2008 for even more info!
Good luck to you, and thank you for all of your support and good wishes! I will post pictures this week to show my progress!
I know, I know...I need to get a new picture posted, but I have been madly working on my jewelry business this morning.
I am very, very excited, and feel that this is such a huge victory for me. However, I have to seriously remain on track and focused. I have done this before, only to lose that sense of urgency. Even last night...I cheated...I had my only weakness in the world...CHIPS AND QUESO...and salsa, I tried to at least be a little bit good with the salsa???!!!
Share with me your victories, or even your frustrations. It is not easy, and there are so many of us out there in this together. I really do believe that Herbalife has been at the center of this successful week, and I am going today to pick up more of my not-so "secret weapon". Drop me a line if you are interested in more information, or you would even like some free samples to try for yourself. is my email...No investment is needed, just an investment in your time and commitment to your health and wellness! Go to LifeChange2008 for even more info!
Good luck to you, and thank you for all of your support and good wishes! I will post pictures this week to show my progress!
Friday, January 4, 2008

In my weight loss challenge, I am totally tempted by food all day long. I work from home as a jewelry designer, so I am literally steps away from my fridge and pantry. ARG!
So, I have been trying to stay focused on the end results, not the immediate desire to SNACK! One of the things that tends to save me are the Herbalife shakes.
I love the Wild Berry...put some of that in a blender with soy or rice milk, a handful of mixed fresh or frozen berries, and you have a shake that will beat anything from Jamba Juice (and, thankfully, without all of those calories!).
I am dying to experiment with the Chocolate shake that is coming on Monday. I am wondering how I can concoct a Mocha shake...some Herbalife Chocolate, some milk, a shot of espresso...Then I could put Starbucks out of business!!! Herbalife Chocolate, a few ice cubes, a spoonful of peanut butter...hmmmmm....a peanut butter cup in a cup!
Come and experiment with me! Lets exchange favorite shake recipes! Shakes are a great way to replace meals, or give yourself a high energy, high protein, calorie controlled snack. Tell me your favorite shake recipes, or email me if you are interested in some samples of Herbalife. I have canisters of the shake mixes of the competition collecting dust in my pantry...this is the only one that I truly believe makes something that is not only drinkable, but truly ENJOYABLE!
Contact me at with any questions or if you are interested in finding weight loss success solutions with Herbalife!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Welcome 2008!

I know that I have been reading in many forums that people despise making New Years Resolutions. However, I happen to be one of those people who truly need to set specific goals so I know what I need to do and how I am going to get there!
One of my commitments for 2008 is to lose weight and get healthier. I want to lose weight to look better, of course, but mostly to get healthier. I have a young family, so I need many, many more years ahead of me!
I am going to incorporate Herbalife into my wellness plan, as I need to have a solid plan of attack. Furthermore, I have found in the past that some of the prepared diet food companies (who shall remain nameless) were expensive, were often not really that tasty, and I found that I was eating a totally separate meal from the rest of my family. I won't need to do that with Herbalife, it is more economical from my viewpoint, I will replace meals with really delicious shakes and will be able to eat a very sensible dinner with my family...and prepare only one meal!
And I pledge to get more exercise. Being a jewelry designer and working from home can be pretty challenging for me. For years, in retail management, I was able to control my weight just by being on my feet for several hours a day! Now, I need to find a way to balance the sedentary work of a jewelry designer with walking and other exercise.
Finally, I am charting my progress here on the this blog (I am so very brave to do this, no?!) and I am part of an Etsy Biggest Loser competition! I am so very, very competitive, so this will be a great inspiration to me to go up against over 50 other Etsy artists to see who will be the BIGGEST LOSER! Starting tomorrow, I will have my "before picture" on this blog, as well as my weekly updated pictures. I can't wait for you to see my progress!
I thank you for being part of my personal journey, your support and kind wishes are much appreciated! Feel free to contact me with any questions regarding Herbalife. I can offer a great program in which you join a Nutrition Club and you can get Herbalife products for up to 42% off of the retail price! Drop me a line at with any questions!
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